Windows 2008 Open File Manager

  • The steps below explain how to close open files on your server. During this process, you can also see who has the files open. On a Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 server, follow these steps: On the server console, select Start All Programs Administrator Tools. Click Share and Storage Management.
  • Dec 28, 2017  There are times when a file is open on a windows server and you need view what user or process has it open. These open files can be locked and prevent users from editing, cause errors when upgrading software, hold up a reboot and so on. In this article, I will show you how to quickly view open files on windows server and workstations.

Windows file server administrators often have to force close the shared files opened by users. This task appears when several users work with the same file simultaneously. Often, if the software is not working properly or the session is terminated incorrectly by the user, it often happens that files in the shared folder are still open (and locked), and other users can’t make changes to them. In this article we’ll show how to get the list of open files on the file server (running Windows Server 2012 R2), find out which user locked a file on a shared folder and close (reset) these file sessions.

There is no NT Server backup anymore with Windows Server 2008. It was replaced by Windows Server Backup, which must be installed as a feature, as it's not installed by default. Windows Server Backup uses the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) to take volume snapshots and stores them in virtual disk files. Well, that's the whirlwind tour of Server Manager for Windows 2008.

How to View the List of Open Files on Windows Server

You can get the list of files opened by users on Windows file server using built-in Computer Management (compmgmt.msc) graphic console.

Open the Computer Management snap-in on your file server (or connect to the server remotely from the management console running on your computer) and go to System Tools -> Shared Folders -> Open files. The list of files opened on the remote server is displayed on the right side of the window. The list contains the local path to a file, the name of the user account that opens the file, the number of locks and the mode in which the file is opened (Read or Write+Read).

You can get the same list of open files using the built-in console tool – Openfiles. For example, using the following command you can get Session ID, user name and full local path to the open file:

Openfiles /Query /fo csv more

If a user accessed a folder or a file in the shared folder on the server remotely using the SBM protocol, a new session that determines the connection is created for the user. User connections are managed using through session IDs.

You can run the same command remotely. For example, you need to show a list of open files on lon-fs01 file server:

Openfiles /Query /s lon-fs01 /fo csv

The Openfiles command has another useful feature to view the list of locally opened files. To use it, enable Maintain Objects List option using the command: openfiles /local on, and restart your server. After that, the files opened by local processes will be added to the list of open files (it is recommended to use this mode only for debugging purposes, since it can negatively affect the performance of your server).

How to Detect a User Who Opened a File

/directsoft-6-key-code.html. To detect a user who opened (locked) filename.docx file on the server, run this command:

Openfiles /Query /s lon-fs01 /fo csv find /i 'filename.docx'

/i key is used to make case-insensitive file search.

Of course, you can specify only a part of the file name. For example, you need to know who opened an XLSX file containing “salereport” in its name, so use the following pipe:

Openfiles /Query /s lon-fs01 /fo csv find /i 'salereport' find /i 'xlsx'

Of course you can find this file in the Computer Management GUI, but it’s less convenient (this console doesn’t provide search feature). /free-astm-a193-b7-specifications.html.

How to Force Close an Open Shared File

To close an open file, find it in the list of files in Open File section and select Close Open File in the context menu.

If there are hundreds of open files on your file server, it won’t be easy to find the specific file in the console. It is more convenient to use Openfiles tool. As we have already told, it returns the session ID of the open file. Using this session ID you can force close the file by resetting the connection. Find the ID of the file you need:

Openfiles /Query /s lon-fs01 /fo csv find /i 'farm' find /i '.xlsx'

Disconnect the user from file using the received ID:

Openfiles /Disconnect /s lon-fs01 /ID 617909089

How to Close Open Files Remotely Using PowerShell


New cmdlets to manage shares and files on an SMB server appeared in PowerShell for Windows Server 2012 / Windows 8. These cmdlets can be used to remotely reset connections to an open file.

You can get the list of open files using Get-SMBOpenFile, and close a file (reset a connection) using Close-SmbOpenFile.

Active portfolio management grinold kahn pdf writer. So, let’s connect to a remote server:

$sessn = New-CIMSession –Computername lon-fs01

Find and close the open file pubs.docx using a single command:

Get-SMBOpenFile -CIMSession $sessn where {$_.Path –like '*pubs.docx'} Close-SMBOpenFile -CIMSession $sessn

Confirm closing of the file by pressing Y.

To remove the confirmation of force closing a file on a file server, use -Force key.

These commands can be used, for example, to close all files opened by a certain user (a user went home and didn’t release the files). For example, to reset all file sessions of the user mjenny, run this command:

Get-SMBOpenFile -CIMSession $sessn where {$_.ClientUserName –like '*mjenny*'} Close-SMBOpenFile -CIMSession $sessn

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Various CCH ProSystem fx Tax applications lock files while they are in-use, such as a tax return file that is open in Tax Preparation. To close files on the network, simply closing the return should release the lock. The steps below explain how to close open files on your server. During this process, you can also see who has the files open.

On a Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 servers, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Server Management Console.
  2. Click Tools and then Computer Management.
  3. Click > next to 'Shared Folders.'
  4. Click Open Files. All of the open files on your server are shown on the right side of the window.
  5. Look for the files in the 'Wfx32' folder.
  6. Close these files using one the following methods:
    • The 'Accessed By' column shows who has files open. Rebooting a workstation should close the files.
    • If the files do not close or if the user cannot reboot, right-click the open files and select Close Open File. Be careful when you select this option. If a user is working in Tax Preparation, 'Close Open File' closes the return and unsaved information is lost.
On a Microsoft Windows 2016 servers, follow these steps:
  1. Right click start menu and select Computer Management
  2. Click > next to 'Shared Folders.'
  3. Click Open Files. All of the open files on your server are shown on the right side of the window.
  4. Look for the files in the 'Wfx32' folder.
  5. Close these files using one the following methods:
  • The 'Accessed By' column shows who has files open. Rebooting a workstation should close the files.
  • If the files do not close or if the user cannot reboot, right-click the open files and select Close Open File. Be careful when you select this option. If a user is working in Tax Preparation, 'Close Open File' closes the return and unsaved information is lost.

On a Linux server, follow these steps:

Note: Depending on your Linux distribution, these instructions may differ.

Find Open Files Windows 10

To view open files, do the following:

  1. Open the Terminal (command line).
  2. Enter smbstatus and press Enter. Open files are shown at the bottom under 'Locked filed.'

To close the open files, do the following:

Windows 2008 Open File Manager In Chrome

  1. First ask users to close the files. If files remain open, proceed to the next step.
  2. Open the command line as an admin user and enter Systemctl smb restart.