Borderlands 2 Pc Game Saves

Mar 03, 2016  PC Borderlands 2 SaveGame 100%. Description: Borderlands 2 on PC is a mixture of shooter first person role-playing. The player must venture into uncharted worlds of Pandora and discover the secrets of the universe Borderlands. Installation: Copy the files in the game folder. Are you interested in finding more information about Save Game World? PC Borderlands 2 SaveGame. Are you interested in finding more information about Save Game World? Numark mixdeck driver mac download. Then it is your lucky moment because in our website you will find various Save Game files will help you to develop your game. Every particular Save Game file will provide you with a lot of new solutions. Jun 18, 2018  PC Borderlands 2 SaveGame. Are you interested in finding more information about Save Game World? Then it is your lucky moment because in our website you will find various Save Game files will help you to develop your game. Every particular Save Game file. PC Borderlands 2 SaveGame 100%. Description: Borderlands 2 on PC is a mixture of shooter first person role-playing. The player must venture into uncharted worlds of Pandora and discover the secrets of the universe Borderlands. Installation: Copy the files in the game folder. Are you interested in finding more information about Save Game World?

Active6 years, 3 months ago

Where is the save file location? I've upgraded to Windows 8 and am barely been able to start the game. After some tweaks with compatibility, the game starts, but all my configs and saves are gone.

Where do I need to look to find my save files?


My Borderlands 2 Overpower Level 8 Complete Game Save Set! This will include all characters builds for Xbox, PS3, & PC! Subscribe for more Borderlands 2 game. Does anybody know how to transfer my ps4 sav e to my pc. I dont know how to do it and didnt find anything after 2 hours of research. My ps4 save is like 500 hours and i dont want to do it all again, so if someone knows somethig please try to help me and other people who have the same problem.

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1 Answer

Borderlands 2's save game location is at C:Users%USERNAME%DocumentsMy GamesBorderlands 2WillowGameSaveData(Random Numbers)

Source: PC Gaming Wiki's Borderlands 2 article

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